Youth Reflections

I had so much fun with all of the MEO educators...they made such a new and foreign experience comfortable and easier to get through. I learned so much during my time in the MEO kayaking program and I would love to do it again. I would give this program 5 stars!
— 2021 MOBILE participant
I learned that knowledge isn’t always in a book or on a paper or from a document from a scientist who won a Nobel Prize. Knowledge is in the history that makes Us and the rustle of leaves and the popping of fish in the river. Knowledge is more than an answered question... it’s the void that is being filled as our question is answered.
— 2021 MOBILE participant
I love feeling the fresh air and the wind on my face. When I feel the wind on my face I feel free.
— 2022 Winter Outdoor Creative Studio Participant
I enjoyed being in nature and learning about the indigenous history of our land. I think it’s important because they don’t teach this information in schools.
— Woonsocket student