MOBILe fellowship

The MOBILE (Mindful Outdoor Black & Indigenous Leadership in the Environment) Fellowship is a leadership program for high school youth of color, ages 14-18. MOBILE is a space for Black and brown youth to get outside, connect to the land, and connect to each other while building skills for environmental justice leadership and marine industry employment. Fellows will spend five full days over the course of one week (July 22 - 26) participating in a range of hands-on water-based activities, from quahogging and fishing to kayaking and water quality testing. They’ll hear from local fishermen, scientists, and educators, learning how marine science, Black & Indigenous history, and food & environmental justice in Rhode Island are all connected.

This is a stipended opportunity and Fellows will be compensated for their full participation! Breakfast, lunch, snacks, equipment, and transportation will also be provided.

Stay tuned for the sign-up form—COMING SOON!